What is Motion Sickness? Symptoms, Remedies & Treatment

What is Motion Sickness? Symptoms, Remedies & Treatment

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Motion sickness also referred to as travel sickness is the disturbance of your inner ear. Travel sickness is caused due to repetitive motions, either while travelling in a vehicle or by any other movements that may cause a disturbance to your inner ear.

Who Might Get Travel Sickness?

According to many studies, it is estimated that 1 in every 3 people get motion sickness at some point or the other in their life. Women and children aged between 2-12 years are at risk of motion sickness. Still, the condition can affect anyone, who are having:

  • Migraine
  • Any family history of travel sickness
  • Inner ear disorders
  • Hormonal birth control
  • Menstrual periods
  • Pregnancy
  • Parkinson’s disease

Symptoms of Motion/Travel Sickness 

Many people while riding in an aeroplane, automobile, or amusement park, experience nausea and vomiting. There are a few other people who experience the same kind of sickness when riding a boat or a ship. This type of disorder is commonly referred to as seasickness. Some common symptoms of motion sickness are:

  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Short breath
  • Increased saliva
  • Pale skin
  • Irritability
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Gulping for fresh air

Other common signs are:

  • The general feeling of discomfort
  • Yawning
  • Headache
  • Uneasiness

Remedies to Treat Motion Sickness!

There are many remedies to treat motion sickness. Did you know that motion sickness symptoms do cease when the motion causing it stops! There are a few people who still suffer from morning sickness symptoms even after a few days after the trip is over. The following remedies can help manage your motion sickness:

  • Gazing towards the horizon – When you are in a moving vehicle, the best way to reorient the inner balance of motion is by simply looking out of the window and gazing towards the horizon in the direction of travel.
  • Take a nap by keeping your eyes closed – If you are travelling in a car at night or on a ship without windows, the best way to help yourself relieve motion sickness is by simply closing your eyes and taking a short nap. This way, you can cease the input conflict that is taking place between your eyes and the inner ear.
  • Chewing gum – Looking for instant remedies to help relieve you from mild motion sickness? Then try chewing, as this is one of the best options to control motion sickness. Because chewing gum has unreal effectiveness that can reduce your motion sickness when affected. Remember that, chewing gum is not the only option to reduce your motion sickness, but just chewing in general terms can also reduce the adverse effects of the conflict that is taking place between your vision and balance.
  • Ginger – Ginger effectively reduces motion sickness. You can either consume ginger in raw form, or the form of a tablet or can crush it and use it in your tea, to help yourself relieve symptoms.
  • Fresh air – Breathing in fresh cool air can help reduce travel sickness slightly. It is recommended to avoid foul odours, as they can worsen nausea.
  • Acupressure – Did you know that some points used in acupuncture can help stimulate the healing sites with finger pressure, instead of inserting fine needles on the pressure points. Some recent studies have suggested that acupressure helps relieve travel sickness symptoms.

Certain Preventive Measures to Help Relieve from Travel Sickness

  • Sit in a position where your eyes can maintain a balance between your body and inner ear.
  • Are you sitting in a car? Then sit in the front seat and look at the distant scenery.
  • Travelling in a boat! Then, choose a place near the deck and watch the motion of the horizon.
  • If you are in an aeroplane, it is advisable to sit by the window and look outside. Choose a seat that is over the wings where the motion is minimized.
  • Do not read while travelling or do not sit in a seat that is facing backwards. By doing so, you can help balance the motion sickness feeling.
  • This may sound a bit weird! Do not talk with your co-passenger who is having travel sickness.
  • It is recommended not to eat strong or spicy foods immediately before or during your travel.
  • If possible, recline, while travelling, and close your eyes. 

Treatment for Motion Sickness

To overcome motion sickness, you can also try out another medication referred to as Doxinate-G. These tablets are a combination of Doxylamine, Vitamin B6, and Ginger. This tablet is prescribed to treat nausea, vomiting during conditions such as motion sickness or pregnancy. 

If your travel sickness is severe, then it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider before taking any medication.